In the dehydration reaction, two monomers bond to each others, making a polymer chain longer. THe hydroxyl group of one monomer reacts with a hydrogen atom from the other monomer. The reaction unvolved ultimately release a water molecule.
In hydrolysis reaction, the addition of a water molecule breaks the polymer chain.
Bonding ability is related to the number of electrons in its highest occupied energy level.
Bonding ability is related to the number of electrons in its highest occupied energy level.
organic molecules-most carbon-based molecules
inorganic moleculs-non carbon based moleculse(ex.water)
functional group-a group of atoms within a molecule that interacts in predictable ways with other molecules
hydrophilic-one of hydroxyl groups
monomers-smaller molecules
monomers-smaller molecules
polymers-chains that your cells link monomers into
Concept Check
1.Explain the difference between a monosaccharide and a disaccharide.Give an example of each.
The difference between a monosaccharide and disaccharide is that a monosaccharides are simple sugars with just one unit of sugar when disaccharides are two monosaccharides together. Example for monosaccharide is glucose and an example for disaccharide is surcrose.
2.Compare and contrast starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
All starch,glycogen, and cellulose are made from glucose. Starch found in plant and animals as a sugar storing place breaks down and makes glucose. Glycogen is stored as granules and can't make glucose. Cellulose is also made up from glucose.
3.How do animals store excess glucose molecules.
Animals store excess glucose molecules in the form of the polysaccharide glycogen.
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