Friday, January 4, 2008


amino acid-monomer consists of a central carbon atom bonded to four partners(carbon atom, remember forms four covalent bonds)

polypeptide-cells creat proteins by linking amino acids together into a chain which is called polypeptide.

denaturation-process of preotein.

Protein shape. influenced by the surrounding envrionment, usually aqueous.

water attracts hydrophilic side groups and reject hydrophobic ones-Hydrophilic amino acid tend to orient towards the outside edges of the protein and hydrophobic amino acids cluster in the center of the protein.

1) Give at least two examples of proteins you can "see" in the world around you. What are their functions?

Two proteins you can see in the world around you, are ones that form structures such as hair or fur, and make up the muscles of an organism.
2) Relate amino acids, polypeptides, and proteins.

Proteins are polymers constructed from amino acids, which are monomers with a central carbon atom, that are linked together into a chain called a polypeptides. Most polypeptide chains are around 100 amino acids in length.
3) Explain how heat can destroy a protein.

Heating it will destroy a protein because of the process called denaturation where protein unravels trying to work properly. As it goes by it will lose its shape and start losing attraction.
4) Which parts of an amino acid's structure are the same in all amino acids?Which part is unique?

Amino acids have three partner bonds to the centra carbon atom in all of them. They are hydrogen atom, carboxyl group, and an amino group. The difference is the fourth partner and which determines each protein's properties.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Lipids are compounds that avoid water. "Lipids surround and contain the watery contents of our cells, circulate in our bodies and send chemical signals to cells, and store energy in our bodies."(copyright.JunTakaki)
Fat - made up of carbon, backbone, glycerol.
Saturated fat-all three fatty acid chains have the maximum number of hydrogen atoms
Unsaturated Fat-has one or more fatty acid chains with molecules that don't bond with the maximum number of hydrogen atoms.
when lipids deposit, it may reduce the blood flow and cause a heart disease. One type of lipid is Steroids.
Steriods- molecules formed from carbon skeletons which make four fused rings. Has very different structure and funcition from fats. (eg.Cholesterol)
Concept Check
1.What property do lipids share?
The property that lipids share being hydrophobic.
2.What are the parts of a fat molecule?
The parts of a fat molecule are the glycerol three-carbon backbone.
3.Describe two ways that steroids differ from fat.
1)steroids differ from fats in the way they are structuredwhere one is four and one is three.
2)steroids differ from fats in the way that steroids are used as chemical signal in our body and fat doesn't.
4.What does the term unsaturated fat on a food label mean?
Unsaturated fat is probably more unhealthy than the saturated fat.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


carbohydrate-organic compound made up of sugar molecules.
monosaccharides-simple sugars contain just one sugar unit called monosaccharides(ex.glucose,frutose, and galatose)
-Sugar molecules are the main fuel supply for cellular work.

dehydration reaction consturct a disaccharide or double sugar from two monosaccharides
most common disaccharide-surcrose
surcrose-consist of glucose molecule liked to a fructose molecule
simple sugar monomers-polysaccharides
starch-polysaccharide found in plant cells 100% glucose
glycogen stores energy in turkey muscle cells.
glyclogen-like starch
cellulose-plysaccharides in plants.
most animals cannot digest cellulose

Concept Check
1.Explain the difference between a monosaccharide and a disaccharide. Give an example of each.
Monosaccharide is simple sugars that contain just one sugar unit however disaccharide is something that cells construct after dehydration reaction. Example for monosaccharides maybe glucose and example of disaccharide maybe starch.
2.Compare and contrast starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
Starch is a polysaccharide found in plant cells that consists entirely of glucose monomers, glycogen is is similar to starch except the cells are found in animal cells, and cellulose is some polysaccharides in plants.
3.How do animals store excess glucose molecules?
Animals store excess glucose molecules in the form of the polysaccharide glycogen.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


In the dehydration reaction, two monomers bond to each others, making a polymer chain longer. THe hydroxyl group of one monomer reacts with a hydrogen atom from the other monomer. The reaction unvolved ultimately release a water molecule.
In hydrolysis reaction, the addition of a water molecule breaks the polymer chain.
Bonding ability is related to the number of electrons in its highest occupied energy level.
organic molecules-most carbon-based molecules
inorganic moleculs-non carbon based moleculse(ex.water)
functional group-a group of atoms within a molecule that interacts in predictable ways with other molecules
hydrophilic-one of hydroxyl groups
monomers-smaller molecules
polymers-chains that your cells link monomers into

Concept Check
1.Explain the difference between a monosaccharide and a disaccharide.Give an example of each.
The difference between a monosaccharide and disaccharide is that a monosaccharides are simple sugars with just one unit of sugar when disaccharides are two monosaccharides together. Example for monosaccharide is glucose and an example for disaccharide is surcrose.
2.Compare and contrast starch, glycogen, and cellulose.
All starch,glycogen, and cellulose are made from glucose. Starch found in plant and animals as a sugar storing place breaks down and makes glucose. Glycogen is stored as granules and can't make glucose. Cellulose is also made up from glucose.
3.How do animals store excess glucose molecules.
Animals store excess glucose molecules in the form of the polysaccharide glycogen.